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Visible/NIR (Broad Band Multilayer)

Broadband Anti-Reflection coatings substantially reduce surface reflectance over a broad spectral region. These coatings are well suited for the steeply curved surfaces of high numerical aperture lenses, or for applications in which it is necessary to vary the *angle of incidence.

The multilayer coating can reach higher transmissions for broadband wavelength make this different from the single layer MgF2 broadband antireflection coating.  This makes it ideal for a wide range of multi-wavelength laser and white light applications.

AR coating is preferred over MgF2 for visible applications. Other antireflection coatings include visible/near-infrared (VIS-NIR) broadband antireflection coating specially optimized to minimize reflections for visible and near-infrared wavelengths.

*Please note that the wavelength range and reflectivity of the coating change with the incident angle.

For more information or to place an order contact our multilingual technical sales team on +44 (0)1622 859 444 or email us and discover how Knight Optical can improve your instrumentation and supply chain experience.