Tag: optics for robots
Swimming with the Substrates: Infrared (IR) Applications
Optical Components are manufactured from a wide range of substrates, and the very materials they’re fabricated from dictate their suitability for specific tasks. Here, Knight Optical – the leading supplier of metrology-tested, custom-made optics – explores some of the most common substrates that are used for IR applications in its books and lists some of their typical uses
Life On Autopilot: Where Is the Robotics and Automation Industry Headed?
What are the latest trends dominating the robotics and automation world? Are robots still in demand? Where are these awe-inspiring automated technologies headed? And what optical components are used in robotics? Here, Knight Optical answers these questions and offers its view on the future of the forward-thinking sector.
The Future of Machine Vision
Currently, industry news is utterly humming with stimulating updates on machine vision developments from across the globe. As well as remarkable technological releases, thought-provoking conferences are also airing that are bringing the brightest minds together to unearth the technical details behind today’s innovations, enhance present standards and reveal the future of this unique area of technology.
Knight Optical Presents: Top 10 Robotic Developments of the Year so Far
The robotics industry is booming, with optics playing a major part, and we have the automotive and manufacturing industries to thank for their increasingly widespread adoption. Following successful, efficient applications in these industrial areas, other sectors are switching on to the many benefits of opting for automation.