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Swimming with the Substrates: Infrared (IR) Applications

Optical Components are manufactured from a wide range of substrates, and the very materials they’re fabricated from dictate their suitability for specific tasks. Here, Knight Optical – the leading supplier of metrology-tested, custom-made optics – explores some of the most common substrates that are used for IR applications in its books and lists some of their typical uses

The Most Common Optical Filters and Their Uses

Optical Filters are available in an array of choices and are employed for a wide and diverse range of applications. As a global supplier of stock and custom-made optics, Knight Optical runs through the most popular types and some of their typical functions. 

Knight Optical Presents…the World of Geoengineering

We’ve talked much of late about optical components being part of diagnostics and therapy devices that help save the lives of humans and, indeed, animals in veterinary applications. However, optics could also be relied upon to protect another important entity – the planet. Here, Knight Optical explores the, somewhat uncharted, yet awe-inspiring world of geoengineering and looks at some of the divisions that could play a pivotal role in helping to beat climate change.