Tag: stock optical compoments
Year in Review: 2022’s Top New and Emerging Technologies
With another year over and more global issues to address, not only are there many technologies and innovations to reflect on this year, but there are also exciting new developments on the horizon for 2023. In this two-part blog, Knight Optical – the leading supplier of on-spec, metrology-tested optical components – looks at its favourite technologies from 2022 and predicts some of the biggest trends for 2023.
How 3D Printing Is Changing the World
It wasn’t too long ago that 3D printing was perceived as a thing of the far-off future. Just take yourself back to 2001 when “the future of palaeontology” was presented to movie-goers when a 3D-printed sculpted the resonating chamber of a Velociraptor in the blockbuster flick Jurassic Park III. As space-age as it was then, off screen in real life, 3D printing has come on leaps and bounds in a short space of time.
Paving the Way for Industry 5.0 and Cobots
Looking ahead to the next advancement, Industry 5.0, we’re set to see more joint operations than ever before, with robots, quite literally, working hand in hand with humans.