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Rod Lenses are a special variant of cylindrical lenses. They are complete rods where the light passes through the sides of the rod and focuses a line.  Rod lenses have an outside face that is polished and the ends ground. The table below gives angular lengths of the line for a 1mm diameter laser beam. Typical uses for rod lenses would be to generate a line image from a circular laser beam.

Knight Optical supply rod lenses both mounted and unmounted. Our mounted rod lenses can be easily attached to laser heads and then easily rotated into the correct orientation.

This range is manufactured from borosilicate or equivalent which is useful over the visible and NIR wavelengths. We are able to manufacture a range of rod lenses from UV grade fused silica for applications working in the ultra-violet down to 185nm. Rod lenses can also be polished on both ends and used as light pipe homogenising rods. Please contact our technical sales team with your custom rod lens requirements.

Surface Quality:
LEGB (Borosilicate) or equivalent
± 10%
± 0.25mm
<80-50 scratch/dig

Stock lenses can be supplied with polished ends.
Lenses can be supplied to custom lengths.
AR coatings available.

6 Items

Name Focal Length (mm) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Spread angle from beam (°) Material Mounted/ Unmounted Price Buy
LRG01616 1.6 2 16 41 Borosilicate Unmounted
LRG0216 2.3 3 16 26 Borosilicate Unmounted
LRG0316 3.1 4 16 19 Borosilicate Unmounted
LRG0516 4.7 6 16 12 Borosilicate Unmounted
LRG0620 4.7 6 20 12 Borosilicate Unmounted
LRG0816 7.8 10 16 7.4 Borosilicate Unmounted
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Rod Lenses

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Focal Length (mm)
Diameter (mm)
Length (mm)
Spread angle from beam (°)