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Reverse Configuration Fresnel Lens Solar (Circular) 300mm F.L. 424mmdia aperture 2mmthk

Only 3 left in stock
SKU: LFS300425
More Information
Focal Length (mm) 300
Thickness (mm) 2
Type Solar (Circular)
Clear Aperture (mm) 424 dia
Facet Width (mm) 0.3
Overall Size (mm) 300x300

Please note;
Due to the size of some of these lenses, we may need charge an additional fee for shipping. If you would like further details, please send your request to [email protected]

Knight Optical provide specially designed Fresnel lenses of reverse configuration making them ideal for use in Solar Concentration such as concentration photovoltaic (CPV) application. They are designed in such a way that the plano side faces the sun and the Fresnel surface faces the photovoltaic cells to focus the light. Our Standard Fresnel Lenses can also be used in this manner, but are not optimised for this application so typically used in the opposite way.

A larger surface can be assembled using single lenses as segments, making it ideal for solar concentration.

We offer both circular and linear types. Circular types focus light to a point like a conventioanl lens, whereas linear will focus to a line. We also have half type linear lenses, which when bought as a pair can be used as a set to form one larger lens.
See our drawings tab for further information.
The grooves on the linear types run parallel to the length of the part.

Our stock range are manufactured from PMMA, and range from 100mmx100mm to 500x500mm.

Centre Thickness:
Clear Aperture:
Focal Length:
Design Condition:
PMMA Acrylic
+/- 0.5mm
± 5%
Parallel light on grooved side

Cutting down of stock lenses to custom sizes.
Antireflective coatings.
Other focal lengths and aperture sizes available at short notice.