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Ultrafast Laser Mirror , 25.4mmDIAx6.35mmTHK, HRa>99.9%@1010-1050nm AOI 0°

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SKU: LLM2368
More Information
Coating S1 R>99.9%
Coating S2 SCC
Design W/L (nm) 1030
Range Low GDD Ultrafast
AOI (°) 0
Diameter (mm) 25.4
Thickness (mm) 6.35
Type Standard
Wavelength range (nm) 1010-1050
Flatness < λ/8 over CA

Low GDD ultrafast laser mirrors designed for use with Yb:YAG (515nm, 1030nm), Yb:KYW (1030nm), and Yb:KGW (1030nm) diode-pumped solid-state lasers (DPSSL) and laser systems.

  • Ion beam sputtered (IBS) coating perfect for demanding laser applications.
  • Reflection > 99.9% available as 0° and 45° AOI options. 
  • Low Group delay dispersion (GDD) < 20 fs2 ideal for ultrafast pulse lasers.
  • High laser damage threshold (LDT).
  • Advanced option with superior LDT for improved optic lifetime.  
  • Stress compensating coating (SCC) to improve the surface flatness.
  • Precision <20/10 surface quality to minimise scattering. 

Surface Quality S1: 

Surface Quality S2:
Flatness Clear Aperture:
Coating S1:

UV Fused Silica
< 10/5 for 12.7mm/25.4mm diameters
< 20/10 for 50.8mm diameter
< 80/50
80% or specified aperture
< 5 arc mins
Rs>99.95% & Rp>99.9% @ 500-530nm, AOI 45°, |GDD Rs, Rp| < 20 fs2
R>99.9% @ 500-530nm, AOI 0°, |GDD R| < 10 fs2

Rs>99.95% & Rp>99.9% @ 1010-1050nm, AOI 45°, |GDD Rs| < 10 fs2, |GDD Rp| <20 fs2
R>99.9% @ 1010-1050nm, AOI 0°, |GDD R| < 15 fs2

A stress compensating coating (SCC) can be applied to side 2 to increase the surface accuracy, this would generate a 4-6 week lead time. 

Custom low GDD ultrafast laser line mirrors are also available upon request with custom sizes between 3 to 250mm and coating wavelength ranges between 200-5000nm. Contact us with your product enquiry.