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716nm Shortpass Colour Heat Glass KG1 Filter 50x50x3mmthk

Only 10 left in stock
SKU: 716FCS5050
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Length (mm) 50
Width (mm) 50
Thickness (mm) 3
Type Shortpass
Colour IR absorbing- toughened
Equivalent material KG1
Mounted/Unmounted Unmounted
Wavelength cut-off (nm) 716
Wavelength cut-on (nm) 3200

Colour Glass Filters are polished sheets of special glass that have been cast with a dye. Colour Glass Filters generally are relatively cheap and very stable. The disadvantage with them is that they are only available in a relatively small number of colour variants.

Colour Glass filters are useful for selective wavelength absorption and therefor achieve high out of band blocking.  Colour glass type Shortpass filters have very low transmission in long wavelengths and high transmission in the short wavelengths.

The Short-pass range of color glass filters listed here has uniform spectral transmission properties over their entire aperture. We also supply customer colour glass filters in shapes and sizes to fit individual customer's requirements. For more information about our customer filters please contact our technical sales team.

Surface Quality:
Colour glass
+0/-0.20 mm
± 0.20 mm
± 0.20 mm
<60-40 scratch/dig
<3 arcmin

Wavelength cut-on listed in table is transition cut-on wavelength (T=Tmax/2)
Wavelength cut-off listed in table is transition cut-off wavelength (T=Tmax/2)

Mounting of diameters and squares.
Antireflective coatings can be applied to one or both faces for improved transmission.
Cutting down or edged to special shapes and sizes at short notice.
Available in sets, supplied in a wooden storage box for research and laboratory use.